Google Maps API查询限制:1.73秒

在Google Maps API申请API key页面上悄悄地增加了一些内容,主要是对API查询数量的一个限制:

  • There is no limit on the number of page views you may generate per day using the Maps API. However, if you expect more than 500,000 page views per day, please contact us in advance so we can provision additional capacity to handle your traffic. Otherwise your quality of service may be degraded.
  • There is a limit of 50,000 geocode requests per day per Maps API key. This translates to roughly one geocode request every 1.73 seconds. If you go over this 24-hour limit, the Maps API geocoder may stop working for you temporarily. If you continue to abuse this limit, your access to the Maps API geocoder may be blocked permanently.


  • 你页面显示是每天500,000次。
  • 地址解码查询50,000次,也就是不超过1.73秒一次。
  • google承诺地图里没有广告,如果要增加,官方会贴出通知。
  • 你的服务对别人也必须是免费的。
  • 不能改变公司徽标logo(我前几天只是新开个窗口,应该不算违反)。
  • 你应当经常保持你的Google Maps API版本与最新一致。
  • 还有Google对使用她的地图来显示诸如那里可以买到非法药物比较反感。
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